Help Centre

Some of these may sound familiar. Take a look at common issues and questions we get asked.

Appealing an EHCP

You may well have heard the terms 'appealing' or 'going to Tribunal', when talking about EHCPs. What does it mean? Parents have a right of appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) when a local authority makes one...

Refusal to issue

You've just heard that the LA is refusing to issue an EHCP following a needs assessment. The LA has informed you in writing and given an explanation for its decision, as well as the right to mediation and to appeal, together...

EOTAS or home schooling?

For some children and young people, their needs are so severe and complex that traditional educational settings are not suitable environments and cannot meet their needs. In these instances, it is recognised in law in the Children and Families Act 2014...